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PR Student Shares Hot Tips for Students Seeking Sports Internships

PR Student Shares Hot Tips for Students Seeking Sports Internships

A baseball game in progress

Ad Management major and PR minor, Bella Kalyvas, shared what helped her be a better candidate for an internship

By: Kennedi Mamo

Working in the sports industry is a competitive field at the professional and college level which makes it hard to stand out. Internships for Michigan State University Athletics are highly sought after by students. Bella Kalyvas shares her biggest tip for students wanting an MSU Athletics internship: make a good second impression.

Kalyvas is an advertising management major with a public relations minor. She has also applied to the sports business management minor and is waiting to find out if she’s been accepted into the program.

Portrait of a student holding a hockey stick
Courtesy photo: Kalyvas took media day photos at her MSU Athletics internship.

By her junior year, Kalyvas has worked in other internships but has not yet worked any in the sports industry. Kalyvas has always loved sports and knew from an early age that she wanted to work in this special industry.

“Early in high school is when I realized I wanted to work in the sports industry and when I saw this internship on Handshake, I knew I had to apply,” said Kalyvas.

In spring 2023, Kalyvas applied to the marketing and fan engagement internship for MSU Athletics. To make herself stand out, Kalyvas did something that some hesitate to do.

“I messaged the hiring manager after applying. I expressed my interest in the internship, and I arranged a phone interview with her so she could better explain what the tasks would be and what the interview process would be like. It’s just a great way to make a connection and network before you begin the interview process,” said Kalyvas.

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Making connections and networking are always valuable, no matter the industry. In the sports world, where everything is extremely competitive, it is crucial. Kalyvas later received the offer for the internship, and the short phone call with the hiring manager is what helped give a great second impression.

To succeed in the sports industry, starting at the college level and the resources that are the closest will help. Getting the experience and connections will only help to further succeed in the field.

“Stay positive and don’t get discouraged because it is a competitive industry,” said Kalyvas.

Kalyvas found her internship through Handshake, where she was able to apply, reach out to the hiring manager and make herself stand out. Students can do the same at: