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Exploring Agency Life: MSU PRSSA Members Gain Insight into Daily Operations at Lansing, Michigan Agencies

Exploring Agency Life: MSU PRSSA Members Gain Insight into Daily Operations at Lansing, Michigan Agencies

A plethora of students smiling on an agency tour

By: Adrianna Orlando

From guest speakers and case study competitions to off-site visits, MSU’s Public Relations Student Society of America offers student members unique experiences relating to post-grad careers. In spring 2024, MSU PRSSA offered their members the opportunity to go on a trip to Lansing, Michigan, to tour local PR agencies. The members were able to visit two Lansing-based mid-size agencies: Resch Strategies and Martin Waymire.

About 15 students attended these tours where they were able to ask the staff questions regarding agency life, receive an inside look at daily operations and connect with the professionals.

During these tours, PRSSA members were able to gain insight into the day-to-day roles of agency employees. For many public relations students, working in an agency is the goal after graduation. Izzy Kang, PRSSA Bateman coordinator and Public Relations Major, is one of those many students.

“I would love to work in an agency either as an intern or after I graduate because I feel like it is a great first step into the PR world,” said Kang.

A group of students stop to pose and smile during an agency tour
PRSSA members enjoyed an immersive Lansing agency tour day, gaining invaluable insights into the dynamic world of agency life.

During the tours, students were able to learn about that specific agency and what they do in the Lansing community.

“At Resch Strategies, I was able to learn about how Resch started and the kind of work they do for the Lansing community and their local clients,” said Kang.

Throughout the day, students were able to speak with numerous account teams and discuss their different job responsibilities. Students also learned what made each agency unique based on clients and services.

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“At Martin Waymire, I learned that they are almost completely a women-run organization, which I thought was a really cool aspect about this agency. We also got to see a list of Martin Waymire’s clients, and I recognized a lot of the local ones,” said Kang.

Thanks to this opportunity, students were able to get an inside look at agency life, gain a better understanding of what these jobs entail, and explore if a job in agency work is the right route for them post-graduation.

For more information about PRSSA and the opportunities they provide their members, visit