Leading by Example: PR Major, Whitney Byard, Joins PRSSA Executive Board

By: Samantha Szafran
Joining a new club can be intimidating and trying to become an executive board member is even more challenging. But as a PR sophomore, Whitney Byard, was up for a challenge.

She’s an active member of MSU’s Public Relations Student Society of America and served as PRSSA director of alumni and events on executive board for the 2023-2024 school year.
PRSSA is the sole public relations organization on campus that brings students together to practice and develop their public relations skills. The organization is ideal for networking, building relationships with peers and getting to know professionals in the field, as well as alumni.
After joining PRSSA, Byard says she immediately knew she wanted to run for the board. Byard recognized that she could make an impact on the organization.
“Being a PR major is already really fun because I get to practice the skills in class but being on the board, I get to implement those skills,” said Byard. “I also know that it is really good for my resume and building my experience.”
Byard says her daily routine is handling meetings, brainstorming ideas, boosting participation, organizing activities, and recruiting guest speakers. The organization is committed to covering topics covered in MSU PR classes and incorporating them into meetings is a direct correlation to major and member.
Obtaining this position and participating in membership activities will help a student establish valuable connections with individuals associated with the club, including fellow MSU students, professors and alumni. Cultivating a strong network lays a solid groundwork for embarking on a career journey.
“When looking for internships, I noticed employers liked me because I was a PRSSA member but being on the board has put me a whole step above that,” Byard said.
Join PRSSA: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5Ih7ADIZR5157y5vdjE7bzbvN03W8z7L5FhTwniMVW2yVWg/viewform
Join the PRSSA GroupMe: https://web.groupme.com/join_group/95360465/QlGRifOp